Episode 190
Live from GP24: Prescribing Exercise for Falls Reduction and Pelvic Floor Health with Dr Anna Mullins
In this special episode of The Good GP, recorded live at GP24 in Perth, host Dr Krystyna de Lange interviews Dr Anna Mullins on the topic of prescribing exercises for falls reduction and pelvic floor health.
Dr Anna Mullins is a Brisbane-based GP with a passion for lifestyle medicine and preventative health. As a former exercise physiologist, she emphasises how simple exercises can benefit patients with cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, mental health issues, and even cancer.
Dr Mullins highlights the importance of muscle strengthening and balance training, especially in the elderly. Dr Mullins outlines practical exercises that can easily be incorporated into daily routines, such as performing modified push-ups against a wall.
They delve into exercises aimed at reducing falls risk in elderly patients. Describing specific exercises such as balancing on one foot, Tai Chi, and yoga, which not only improve physical health but also offer social connection benefits. Muscle strengthening activities like modified push-ups, squats, and core exercises, which are essential for maintaining functional independence and preventing falls.
Discussing maintenance pelvic floor health, especially in postnatal care. Dr Mullins shares techniques for activating pelvic floor muscles and core strength early in the postnatal phase, with starting these exercises soon after childbirth.
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